Georgia Hardinge SS22 Catwalk Show at Kornit Fashion Week 2022
Producer: Dom Dowbekin
Director of Photography: Saskia Scorselo
Photographer: Babak Zand
Production Assistant: Lena Stewart
Sculptural fashion designer, Georgia Hardinge, designed a print in collaboration with Kornit Fashion Week 2022, which debuted on the catwalk.
Kornit develops digital printing solutions that are inherently more environmentally-friendly than other fabric printing methods. Kornit's innovative and sustainable digital printing methods produce zero toxic water waste, helping to protect our eco-system. They are a global leader in FashionTech that helps drive the on-demand manufacturing revolution and offers the fashion industry a roadmap to sustainability.
Georgia Hardinge has partnered with fashion rental company HURR who are revolutionising the way we think about clothes. HURR will have the full catwalk collection available to rent in Selfridges, London.